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Jammu and Kashmir Check FIR status online

How to Trace First Information Report online with J and K Police

You can Check status of Complaint online for FIR lodged with Jammu and Kashmir Police. To Trace FIR status online, you can visit the website of J & K Police and search it. There is no need of visiting Police Station to Check status of First Information Report with Jammu and Kashmir Police. You can trace online status of FIR filed with the J & K Police by submitting registration information with the Website. Steps to Check FIR status online with Jammu and Kashmir Police is explained below:


Steps to Check FIR Status online with Jammu and Kashmir Police

Step 1: Visit the website of Jammu and Kashmir Police

Home page of the website with the following menu will open

Jammu and Kashmir Police Login


Step 2: If you are an existing user Type Login Name, Password and security code and Click on Login.

If you are a new user you have to register with the website of J & K Police to logon it.


Step 3: Click on Create citizen login

The Following page will open

Jammu and Kashmir Police Citizen Regitration

Jammu and Kashmir Police onlne register


Step 4: Fill Information asked in the form


Personal Details

Name : Enter Your First Name, Middle Name and Last Name

Gender : Select Gender from the list

Email ID: Fill your email ID

Mobile No: Write Your Mobile No

Landline No: Fill your landline number if any

Identification type: Select identification type from the list

ID No: Type your ID number


Age Panel

Date of Birth: Enter your date of birth

Year of birth: If you don't know DOB type year of birth

Age: Enter your age

Age range from - To: If you don't know age select age range from to


Present Address

Fill your address

Select Country, State and District from the List


Click on same as Permanent or not


Permanent Address

Fill your address

Select Country, State and District from the List


Login Details

Security Question : Select Security Question from the List

Security Answer : Type your security Answer


Login ID: Type a new login ID

Password: Type a new password

Confirm Password: Retype password



Step 5: Click on Generate OTP


Step 6: Fill OTP received on your mobile or email


Step 7: Click on Submit Button

Now your registration with Jammu and Kashmir Police Department is over. Now you have to go to the Citizen Login Menu to login and Check status of Complaint.



Step 8: Visit the website of Jammu and Kashmir Police

Home page of the website with the following menu will open

Jammu and Kashmir Police Login


Step 9: Type User Name, Password and Security code


Step 10: Click on Login


Step 11: Click on Online Complaint


Step 12: Fill required information and follow process


Step 13: Click on Submit

Now your Complaint status will be displayed on the Screen. You can download and take printout of the FIR.


Disclaimer: Information given here is to help and guide those who do not have knowledge about filing application online. We are not responsible for any mistake or error. This is a website to provide free information and we do not charge any amount from any user. Trade marks and copy rights are of respective websites.