Register FIR Online with Patna Police, Bihar. How to lodge complaint with Patna Police using website of Bihar Police. Complaint filing through internet with Bihar Police. What are the steps for registering FIR online Patna, Bihar.

In Bihar it is easy to register First Information Report online with Bihar Police. There is online system to register FIR for who want to file Complaint through internet.

Complaint can be lodged with the help of web application of Bihar Police any time anywhere without going to police stations.



Steps to register FIR online with Bihar Police

Step 1 : Hit on the link to Visit the Website of Bihar Police. The following menu will open.


 Register FIR online with Patna Police



Bihar Post Complaint online



Step 2 : Fill the information asked for in the menu.

Regd Date : Fill FIR date

Name : Fill name of informant

Gender : Select Male or Female

Mobile No: Fill Mobile No

Phone No: Fill Land line No if available

Email : Fill your email Id

District: Select District from the list

Police Station : Select Police Station from the List

Land Mark : Write land mark area


SELECT LANGUAGE  : Select English or Hindi from the menu

Complainant Address

District : Select District from the Menu

Police Station : Select Police Station from the Menu

Address : Write your address

Complaint Type : Chose from the list

Complaint Sub Category : Chose from the list

Upload document : Chose if you want to upload any supporting document

Enter Complaint Description : Write your complaint here


Step 3 : Hit on Submit Button

Now your complaint is registered with Patna Police. You will receive e-mail confirmation to your email account.



List of Occurrence Types available on the website of Patna Police

- Arms Act

- Attempt to Murder

- Blackmail

- Burglar

- Chain Snatching

- Cheating

- Communal Riot Act

- Criminal Law Abandonment Act

- Dacoity

- Domestic Violence

- Essential Commodity Act

- Eve Teasing

- Explosive Act

- Extortion

- Fraud

- Immoral Traffic Act

- Indian Foreigners Act

- Kidnapping

- Loot

- Missing

- Murder

- Offence Against State

- Other

- Rape

- Rioting

- Robbery

- Sneaking

- Theft

- Women Cruelty


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