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United Nations, UNGA, UNSC, ICJ, UN ECO SOC

United Nations

26th June, 1945 San Francisco -> Character signed

24th October, 1945 UN came to existence - UN Day

Currently 193 members

51st : Poland

Latest : South Sudan, Juba, 2011

1915-1919 World War I

1943-1945 World War II

- League of Nations - Child of war 1946


United Nations campaign lead by Nobel laureate  & US President Budro Wilson

1st Session - 10th January, 1946

Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 10th December 1948

International Human Rights Day

Head Quarters - New York

Official Language - FRESCA

French, Russian, English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic

UN Logo : Olive Branches + world map by marshal smuts

Accepted by UNGA

UN preamble to Charter - field marshal smuts.



UN General Assembly (UNGA)

1st UNGA President Mr. Paul Henry

Deliberative Organ - Only organ with all members


1 Member 1 Vote

1 state = 5 Representatives

1 President and 21 Vice Presidents

Current President : Abdulla Shahid (76th) 1 Year (Maldives)

2/3 majority for important decisions

(i) Election of non permanent members of Security Council

(ii) Admission of new members

(iii) Suspension, expulsion of members

(iv) Budgetary Questions

(v) Members of ECOSOC (54) elections

(vi) Election of International Court of Justice (ICJ) Judges

(vii) Election of Secretary General

(viii) Amend Charter



1st SG - Trygve lie (Norway)

Current SG - Antonio Gutters (Portugal) - Appointed by UNGA

Current Deputy SG - Amina J Mohammad (Nigeria) - Recommended by UNSC


United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

5 (permanent) + 10 (Non Permanent) Members

1 member 1 vote


Permanent Members

America, Britton, France, China, Russia


Majority through 8/15 Members (5+3 non permanent)

Re-election is possible.

Decision of international peace and security

India, Norway, Ireland, Mexico got non permanent membership for 2021-2022


Currently - Estonia, Kenya, Niger, St. Vincent, Tunisia, Vietnam


International Court of Justice (ICJ)

Building called - peace palace

The Hague, legal capital of the world

War crimes - Jurisdiction - Illegal state interference 5 X 3 =15

Ethics cleansing

Languages - English and French

Current President -

Indian ICJ Judges - Benegal Rama Rau, Nagendra Singh (P), R S Pathak, Dalveer Bhandari


Ex Aequo Et Bono - What is just and fair

i. International Court of Justice

ii. International Criminal Court

iii. International Tribunal for the law of sea

iv. International Commercial court


UN Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC)

54 Members elected by General Assembly - 3 Years tenure

Current President - Munir Akram (Pakistan)



Inactive since 1994

Mission was to make all countries members of UN. Some weak nations were adopted and governed by Un until mature/ independent.


List of UN Specialized Agencies

FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation Rome
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation Montreal Canada
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development Rome
ILO International Labor Organization Geneva
IMF International Monitory Fund Washington
IMO International Maritime Organization London
ITU International Telecommunication Union Geneva
UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation Paris
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organisation Vienna
UNWTO United Nations World Trade Madrid
WHO World Health Organisation Geneva
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organisation Geneva
WMO World Meteorological Organization Geneva
WBG World Bank Group Washington
UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund New York


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