Section 25H - Re-employment of retrenched workmen : Industrial Disputes Act 1947

What is Re-employment of retrenched workmen? Section 25H of Industrial Disputes Act 1947

Section 25H of Industrial Disputes Act 1947 : "Re-employment of retrenched workmen"

25H. Where any workmen are retrenched, and the employer proposes to take into his employment any persons, he shall, in such manner as may be prescribed, give an opportunity 55[to the retrenched workmen who are citizens of India to offer themselves for re-employment, and such retrenched workmen] who offer themselves for re-employment shall have preference over other persons.





Section 25H of the principal Act, shall be renumbered as sub-section (1) of that section and after sub-section (1) as so numbered, the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:-

"(2) Where a closed unit is reopened the workmen on the roll of the unit immediately before its closure shall be given an opportunity to offer themselves for re-employment in the manner provided in sub-section (1)." - Andhra Pradesh Act No. 32 of 1987.

Section 25H of the Principal Act, the following section shall be inserted, namely :-

"25-HH. Condition of reinstatement in service by an award of Labour Court or Tribunal-Where a workman is reinstated in service by an award of Labour Court or Tribunal, the workman shall be deemed to be in service from the date specified in the award whether or not the workman was earlier reinstated by the employer and his wages shall be recovered in the manner provided in section 33C." - Andhra Pradesh Act No. 32 of 1987.

Section 25H of the principal Act shall be re-numbered as sub-section (1) of that section and after sub-section (1), as so renumbered, the following sub-section shall be inserted:-


"(2) Where a closed unit is reopened the workmen on the roll of the unit immediately before its closure shall be given an opportunity to offer themselves for re-employment in the manner provided in sub-section (1)." - West Bengal Act No. 57 of 1980.

After section 25H of the principal Act, the following section shall be inserted :-

"25HH. Condition of reinstatement of workman by an award of a Labour Court or Tribunal.-Where a workman is reinstated in service by an award of a Labour Court or Tribunal, the workman shall be deemed to be in service from the date specified in the award whether or not the workman was earlier reinstated by the employer and his wages shall be recovered in the manner provided in section 33C." - West Bengal Act No. 57 of 1980.