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Passport user registration to apply online for Passport

How to Register user name to apply passport online

To apply online for a passport, you have to register with the web portal Ministry of External Affairs. You can register your user name online by providing few information and following steps for registration. Initially there is no need of visiting Passport office for registration and filing application for passport. Steps to Register with the website of Passport Seva is explained below:




Steps to Register online to apply for Passport

Step 1: Visit the website of Passport Seva

Home page of the Website with the following menu will open

Passport Registration online and Logon


Step 2: Click on New User Registration

The following Menu will Open

Passport New User Registration


Step 3: Fill Required information

Register to apply at : Select CPV Delhi or Passport Office

(Select the 'CPV Delhi' option to apply for Diplomatic/Official passport at Consular, Passport and Visa (CPV) division, Delhi)

Given Name : Fill your First Name + Middle Name

Surname: Fill your Surname

Date of Birth : Fill your Date of Birth

E-mail ID: Type your email ID

Do you want your Login ID to be same as E-mail ID? : Select Yes or No

Login ID : Type a new login ID

Password : Enter your password for Passport Website

Confirm Password: Type password again to Confirm

Hint Question : Select security question from the menu

Hint Answer : Type your answer for Hint Question


Step 4: Type the Security Code displayed on the Screen


Step 5: Click on Register and follow Process

Now your user information will be registered with the website of Consular, Passport and Visa Division. You can logon to the website and apply for Passport, Police Verification etc.


Disclaimer: Information given here is to help and guide those who do not have knowledge of registering with the website or filing application online. We are not responsible for any mistake or error. This is a website to provide free information and we do not charge any amount from any user. Trade marks and copy rights are of respective website owners.