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What are the Compliance documents to be filed with the  Registrar of Companies other than Annual documents? Filing  of regular compliance documents with ROC.

Every company incorporated under Indian Companies Act needs to E-file regular compliance documents other than Annual Return in case of various events. These documents are to be filed online by paying prescribed fees. ROC will issue online receipt with SRN No. for the payments made.



Regular Compliance filing with Registrar of Companies

Various events for which compliance documents to be filed with the Registrar of Companies are


Shares and Capital

Allotting new shares, transfer of shares, Public offer or invitation to subscribe for shares.

Allotment of Shares to the Directors or employees of the Company

Changes if any made in the Authorised or Paid up Capital of the Company.

Sub-division of face value of the shares of the Company.



Alteration of object clause, name clause or any alteration in memorandum and articles of association of the company



Appointment or Resignation/Retirement/Vacation of office by Directors

Appointment of Managing Director or  whole time Director and payment of remuneration.

Appointment or change of the Statutory Auditors of the Company



Acceptance of deposits from Directors or members of their relatives


Agreements, tie up

Agreement entered by the shareholders of the Company where Company is a Party.

Business tie up with a non resident or a foreign citizen



Investment in share or other securities



Sanctioning Loans to other Companies

Any Loan paid to Members or Directors or firms or Companies where they are partners or members respectively.

Giving loans to Companies under the same management

Opening New Bank Account or  closing of bank accounts or change in signatories of Bank account - some cases

Change in terms and conditions of the Loan taken earlier.

Discharge or full payment of the amount of loan taken against the property of the Company



Payment of remuneration to Director or his relative or firm of the Director etc. are contracting with any of the above.


Other Compliance documents to be maintained or filed

Executing any document under the common seal of the Company

Purchase or Sale of the fixed assets of the Company

Starting New Business or Partnership

Convening various meetings of the Company

Submission of the resolution to any other third party  or  any authority

Maintenance of Board Meeting Minutes Book

Maintenance of minutes of general meetings and its attendance

Amalgamation of the Company with other company

Shifting the registered office of the Company from one place to other

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